Practically Christian Podcast

Project Blue Book, Starlink Spectacles, and the Hunt for 'Redneck' Aliens


Ready to question everything you thought you knew about extraterrestrial life? You've landed in the right galaxy! We dive into the unresolved mysteries of Project Blue Book, with its 12,000 documented UFO sightings, and challenge theories surrounding ancient architectural wonders. Could aliens have contributed to the construction of pyramids and Stonehenge? Or are these just human marvels?

As we sat under the night sky, an unexpected spectacle of lights had us questioning if we were witnessing an alien invasion. The culprits? The Starlink satellites! This sparked an intriguing discussion around our personal beliefs in extraterrestrial life, and how some UFO sightings could be explained by natural phenomena. We also ponder why aliens are always depicted as superior beings, humorously wondering where the 'redneck' aliens are hiding. Join us on this cosmic journey, we promise not only a sizzling debate but also a hearty chuckle. So, are you ready to have your space-time continuum warped?

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna take a nap. Where we going. Honestly, I want to take a nap. That's where I'm gonna go after this. That's where I'm going.

Speaker 3:

For everyone else. Welcome to another episode of Practically Christian Podcast. That's not nice. And in today's episode you know what we're gonna be discussing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my word Wooo.

Speaker 3:

Hmm, well, y'all think that noise was. What do you think it was?

Speaker 1:

Wooo Um.

Speaker 3:

Wooo Makes me think of.

Speaker 1:

what's that show your dad used to watch all the time With the redhead and David DeCovini. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do do X Files.

Speaker 3:

That's what we're discussing the X Files, not the X Files. I hated that show.

Speaker 1:

I used to watch it with your dad sometimes.

Speaker 3:

So did I when he used to make me watch it. I hated that show. I hated that show Because from the majority of my life Maybe even now, I don't know I did not believe aliens were a thing. Like I went hold on. You mean to tell me you think there's a civilization that exists on another planet?

Speaker 1:

Do I think that?

Speaker 3:

No, that's what that was the question.

Speaker 1:

I think it's possible. I mean, I think it's hard because I say it and then I'm like man, but that kind of sounds weird. You know, like I say it. You want me to go get you some tinfoil.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, you know, what really got me was the Y Files.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, you haven't watched that in a while it was too much.

Speaker 3:

It's not that it was too much, it just popped up in my recommended.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we're watching that all the time.

Speaker 3:

It's a YouTube channel. I mean a lot of thought provoking and he does really good research. Aj and Heckelfish yes, they do really good research, really well made videos and they're really thought provoking as well. But you know I got to watching some of them and it makes you question things You're going? Hmm yeah, If nothing else, it makes me question.

Speaker 1:

It does. Yeah, Because there are a few that I watched that I was like, but not many of them. Most of them I was like oh my, oh, oh no.

Speaker 3:

I agree, but even like with the X Files, you know, even looking at a TV show like that, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I just Do you think there are other things out there?

Speaker 3:

Like aliens, like ET, not necessarily like Like Martians, and you know I don't know I go.

Speaker 1:

is it arrogant to think that we are the most amazing things that God made? I mean we could be.

Speaker 3:

I mean, did God not say he made us in his image? That to me.

Speaker 1:

Uses he made.

Speaker 3:

All right, right now, this is one of those topics that it seems like everyone is talking about.

Speaker 3:

So from 1947 to 1969, there were 12,000 UFO sightings Hmm, to a point that that were like, documented and reported to. It was called Project Blue Book, which was a small top secret Air Force Right Team and their mission was to investigate this and go. Is there any? Is there any proof that this exists and what they say? It's inconclusive, of course it is, but again, even on, you know, I know we just had here in America, we just had those congressional hearings Right when the military came out with a lot of declassify you know like hey, yep, we have aliens, yep, we have their bodies, we have their spaceships, we have.

Speaker 3:

You know all of this, but again, they didn't show any like conclusive proof of anything you know, and I mean you even have. You know that show, which we'll call it ancient aliens. You know that would say, when we look through the past, you know how did the Egyptians build the pyramids? You know they were aliens. You know the pyramids are tunes.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that is a good question, right?

Speaker 3:

You know how do they build Stonehenge, how do they? You know all of these ancient things, you know how did these things happen. And they go oh, there was aliens.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

As far as the technology goes, they're sitting there going. There's no way. They did this with their bare two hands.

Speaker 3:

I mean, the National Archives here in America has, you know, over 17,000 files Of unidentified flying objects. I don't know, it's just it's hard for me to wrap my head and go, you know what? Yes, I believe that there are other intelligent life forms among the universe and I'm sitting here going, and if you had the technology to get from wherever you were?

Speaker 1:

To hear To earth. Right, then I mean, you had to what else is well, not just that.

Speaker 3:

You had to have came for a different reason, just to fly around and then disappear back into the night.

Speaker 1:

Right, I go. Are you doing observations?

Speaker 3:

And see and that's what a lot of people think Like, oh, you know, these are scouts, you know they're coming to see what defenses we have and you know, because eventually they're going to come take us over and or they're looking for a new place to land and start new families.

Speaker 3:

Maybe, and there are people that believe that there are already aliens among us right now. You know, and you know they've learned to like. And again, you ever notice like the aliens are always so much better than us, like in every way, shape and form. They're stronger, they're faster, they're smarter. Like they can morph like into, like human, like I go.

Speaker 1:

Independence day.

Speaker 3:

I go. How come there's no dumb aliens out there? How come there's? No aliens that are, like you know, the redneck aliens to me, Like you know what I mean, Like rednecks aren't always dumb. You know they're flying saucers have duct tape and you know that's intelligent, you know?

Speaker 1:

beer cans flying out like you know, I don't know, I don't know, so lots of I don't know. I'd love to hear what other people think.

Speaker 3:

Hey, that's what social media is all about. Yeah, let's hit us up Tell us your thoughts, whether it's on. Facebook or Instagram or anything like that. I know.

Speaker 1:

And watch the Y files and see what you think, because I think if people were to watch it they would you know I would love to be able to get AJ on as a guest you know, and talk about this, because he man, he really does, he just has a really good job. Yeah, with everything he talks about. I'll tell you like my own personal, personal, close and close story. What you got oh boy.

Speaker 3:

So a couple of weeks ago, a couple of months ago maybe? No, it was a couple of weeks ago. You know it's. It's not uncommon after service on Saturday nights for us to go get something to eat with some of the people you know that worship with us, and it's not uncommon for one of those people that we normally go get something to eat, you know, to go, hey, let's just sit here and talk about some random things. And and it was getting to the point where we were out really late and Debbie hated just sitting in the car and she was like, hey, I don't care if y'all want to stay up and talk, but like, let's just go to the house and y'all can stay up as late as you want, because then I can go to bed. So one of these nights we did decide that we did. You know we ate.

Speaker 3:

We came back home you know we're sitting out front and you know me and Josh were just sitting there like kind of talking and and all of a sudden you know it's nighttime but we have lights outside, so like you can still see people's faces and stuff Me and Josh sitting there talking, all of a sudden I've seen his eyes get like huge mouth drop open and he goes Holy did you see that? Did you see that? And I was like what and he's pointing up in the air? And when I turned around it was this line of lights.

Speaker 3:

I remember that I mean to the point where I had to run into the house and get all of you and go. Y'all gotta come out here and see this and it was just like light after light, after light.

Speaker 1:

It was like hundreds of them, and then it just disappeared.

Speaker 3:

And this perfect line across the sky, and me and Josh, who have been talking about this topic extensively yes, we're like oh my God, it's the invasion.

Speaker 1:

They're coming for us, they're here, yep.

Speaker 3:

Project Blue Beam is.

Speaker 1:

It's alive and well, and we're well.

Speaker 3:

Yep. And so, after a couple more hours of sitting there talking about what we just saw, I had to research it, and I come to find out at about the same time looking in the western sky in the state of Texas, which is about 2,000 miles, well, about 1,000 miles, away from us. Okay, they saw the same thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So I was like, uh-oh, this might have been a worldwide thing, or at least a nationwide thing Right. Come to find out, though, it's the Starlink satellites.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I do remember finding that out and going.

Speaker 3:

You're on Musk, and what is it SpaceX have been sending?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yes, and it's the sun reflecting off of the satellites as they're moving in orbit, and I was like, okay, well, that makes a lot more sense.

Speaker 1:

No, but at the time it was like they're here. They're here to stay.

Speaker 3:

So do I believe in aliens, cause that was the original question, right? No, I don't believe that.

Speaker 1:

I believe there are things we don't know.

Speaker 3:

I'm getting there.

Speaker 1:

I'm just telling you what?

Speaker 3:

I believe, I don't believe that there are like little or big or big intelligent life forms living on other planets.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

However. However, if I was like just chilling in the front yard and an angel or a demon appeared, what would you call that? Because, again, most people think like these, these divine beings, you know, oh, they look like people, but if you read, like the descriptions of the angels, like the sephirum, and they're not cute and fluffy. Well, and they don't look like people either. Right, they don't look like cherubim yeah Well, you go through. Even cherubim. Don't look like people. No.

Speaker 3:

I know artists have painted them as chubby little babies, but that is not how the Bible describes them, you know? I mean you're talking about beings with, like the head of a lion, the body of a man, wings, with eyes all over them so that they are all seen. Right. Like I mean you were talking about some like horrific looking-.

Speaker 1:

Scary things yeah.

Speaker 3:

Which is probably why, anytime an angel appears, the first thing out of their mouth-.

Speaker 1:

Do not be afraid. Do not fear.

Speaker 3:

Because if you look like that, you know you're gonna be afraid, right Like you're gonna be scary. I should say so do I believe in the spiritual realm? Absolutely Do I believe?

Speaker 1:

that yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That you know these demonic and angelic, you know beings exist 100% and do I believe that they can come and go?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, You're just saying that you don't believe they're gonna come in a flying saucer with you. Know, nanu, nanu, we come in peace.

Speaker 3:

I don't believe like there's a colony of people living on like, say, mars.

Speaker 1:

Got you.

Speaker 3:

That are gonna come to the planet. Okay, I don't believe that you know cause again like if you were to ask most people where is heaven?

Speaker 1:

They'll point up to the sky.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, up there somewhere, right, and maybe you say where's hell?

Speaker 1:

They're gonna point to the ground.

Speaker 3:

Right, they're gonna in the middle of the earth Like that's hell and I go.

Speaker 1:

We're looking at it from an earthly realm versus the spiritual realm. There you go and I go where those two realms overlap.

Speaker 3:

Because, again, like if you read through scripture, I mean Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven is at hand, it's here, it's now, you know, yes, it also, you know, is in the future.

Speaker 1:

And he talks about waking up the dead you know, but it's here, it's now.

Speaker 3:

And I go, you know again, in Ephesians six you know Paul talks about, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, we wrestle against the powers of darkness in the present age.

Speaker 1:

Excuse me, oh my goodness.

Speaker 3:

You know, we wrestle against the powers of darkness in the present age. Where's the present age? When's the present age? I mean, that's all here, that's all now. Right, so I believe that there is a spiritual realm that overlaps the physical realm, right, you know, like, even if we look at things like, you know, exorcisms and demonic possession, demonic oppression, you know things of that nature.

Speaker 3:

I think there is ample evidence of that throughout human, you know, time, even if we look at, like, you know, why did God, you know, flood the earth? You know, the daughters of, or the sons of God came down and took with them, you know, daughters of man as wives, and you know they had offspring. And then we get this refulum and the nephalum. And you know these great men of old, you know who, again, the Bible describes, as you know, just, these beastly giants, right, you know. And God looked down and saw that the intention of man was evil and, you know, floods the earth. So, again, I mean, they're trying to describe what they see, you know, and again, like it just, I think we just are so quick to overlook the spiritual, the spiritual aspect of it, right, you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, the spiritual aspect makes people uncomfortable Talking even. I mean to you, I mean my Baptist my sweet Baptist husband. I grew up, you know, in small little Spanish Pentecostal churches, so we came from opposite ends of the spectrum, you know very opposite ends, but as we've talked about you have, to worship in spirit and in truth, and that's why it's important to know what scripture says and what it means and how it was written in like context.

Speaker 3:

And understanding that it's so much deeper than just the surface level. I mean, god is spirit, right, you know.

Speaker 1:

Jesus was man, Right, so like there's so much again. That's why it is important and I'm just, I'm just gonna go off on a side tangent as a female to Know what scripture says daughter of Eve daughter of Eve, and because no, because there's lots of I guess it's high tangent I'm sorry of. Let's get together and do a Bible study, but we all get to talk about our own opinions and right what we feel, and it's like no, no, no, no, like you need to know what it says wicked into see wicked into seat full.

Speaker 1:

You need to know in context and you need to have somebody who knows what they're talking about leading it right, all right, I'm done off.

Speaker 3:

That had nothing to do with aliens.

Speaker 1:

No, but I'm saying you don't understand the spiritual aspect of it because you're lost in your feelings and your thoughts and opinions when those don't matter, when you're talking about scripture right. And that's what. That's how it goes back to the whole aliens thing.

Speaker 3:

I got you and, and so I mean.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sorry.

Speaker 3:

We all have our pet projects, I guess. But but that's what I mean. Like I again, I do sit here and I go. Is there's something besides us? Yeah, I mean you know when, when the devil enters into the divine counsel in the book of Job. Mm-hmm. Obviously there is something more. You know when? When Lucifer is thrown from heaven, along with a third of the angels, to earth. Mm-hmm. Obviously, there is something more obviously there is a power at work in the present age.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I mean anyone can look around and see everything that's going on in the world. You know, there's obviously an evil that exists right. I Think it's easier for us to to think that that evil is external and coming from somewhere else, then then to sit here and go oh no, that evil is actually very personal and intimate and and coming from within right?

Speaker 1:

Well, it makes, you know, makes people uncomfortable.

Speaker 3:

Right, I mean, but it would be easy to sit here and go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know blame it on something else, right, yeah, the.

Speaker 3:

Martians or the Jupiter right or the Neptune.

Speaker 1:

Let me focus on everything else except whatever you would call people from Uranus. It's called dingleberries.

Speaker 3:

I know it's called Uranus.

Speaker 1:

Where's my anus? That's on a video we saw. It's a comedy video. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 3:

What would you call them?

Speaker 1:

Uranium's. That's a, that's an element Uranium you can still call them Uranium's Uranuses is your reign is.

Speaker 3:

Okay, moving on quickly but again this one do I believe you know that there's a civilization of people, or, or human oids, or something of that nature, that is, you know that that has developed Technology to travel at light speed and find wormholes throughout the universe and be able to? You know, do I think Star Wars is a thing? No, no, not like that.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't, I do think there are things we don't know about.

Speaker 3:

But I don't Right, I'm not, I'm not saying I have evidence to say that that is not a thing. Yeah, you know, maybe in a galaxy far, far away, right, that is exactly what's happening, right. But on the same hand, I think what we're seeing is is that crossover between the spiritual and the natural? You know, I think you know these unexplainable. I mean in that what a miracle is an unexplainable?

Speaker 3:

right natural yeah event yeah, you know, people being raised from the dead, or people coming back from the dead, or you know diseases that are miraculous. Hey, we, it's gone right, we can't explain it. It's just gone right you know, yeah, and I think if more of us were more open to the idea of this spiritual realm. I mean again, and I don't know, I don't even know who said it, but you know, you know most people have heard the saying the greatest trick the devil ever Played off was convincing the world that he didn't exist, and and I go.

Speaker 3:

I don't know who said it, but there's a lot of truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're not wrong right.

Speaker 3:

You know If, if he can convince you that he doesn't exist, then you're not going to take him seriously to begin with right which means you're not gonna. You know, resist sin and temptation?

Speaker 1:

You're not because he didn't. He's not real, it's no big deal, right right, there is no absolute.

Speaker 3:

There's no consequence or repercussion, yeah you know, and I think, by nature, that's what people want and I think as the other I think, as the church pulls further and further away, that the, the evil powers at work in this present darkness are more and more emboldened to To go well, fine, like you won't play less play. Right, like you don't want to push back against us like then, then we'll come into your realm right. You know and and be able to handle it from there. Does that make sense? It does yeah.

Speaker 1:

so no, I don't believe in aliens in the way people not like 18, right but there are other forces and things that are at play that you should be aware of, and If you don't believe it and you're a christian that are not from this dimension.

Speaker 3:

Right, read your bible. Yeah, or this plane, or or however right as you want to look. So this week, or until next episode, I challenge you, mm-hmm, challenge yourself with it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

What do you think? What do you think when it comes to that? Like you think it's more plausible that there's a civilization somewhere that has technology that is only dreamed about, but yet they have harnessed and and in our sitting here, going, hey, we're gonna invade earth, or is it more plausible to sit here and go? You know what? Nope, there is a spiritual realm and it is possible to have crossover. Right and let us know what you think about it.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm because I think that's a an interesting topic that we could explore a little more in depth, if that's something that you guys are interested in, right? So until next time. We love you, we thank you.

Speaker 1:

Can't do this without you. Bye guys.